Kailey Fry Portfolio

About Kailey

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My journey into photography began with my dad, whose passion for capturing moments inspired me. He would meticulously organize his slides, study every version of Photoshop, and examine every camera he encountered. This fascination with photography led me to pick up a camera in high school, spending my free time exploring new places to "get the shot." It became my escape and a way to find beauty amid chaos.

Pursuing my passion further, I earned a Bachelor's degree in Professional Photography from Brooks Institute, focusing on Industrial Scientific Photography. I was captivated by the idea that a camera could reveal things invisible to the naked eye, adding a layer of magic to the art form.

My artwork primarily explores themes of the female figure, introspection, connection with nature, healing, and grief. Additionally, I hold an MFA in Collaborative Design, with my work often touching on my experiences with type 1 diabetes.

Illustration is another creative outlet that allows me to infuse art into my daily life. For me, creating and sharing art is a vital, healing activity. My love for animals, especially medical alert dogs, is also an integral part of my life and well-being. Through my art, I aim to express myself, spread positivity, and make sense of the world around me. I hope you find as much joy in my creations as I do.

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Made with Love

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© Kailey Fry 2024